Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Games People Play


It seems that Alec Baldwin had some trouble on his flight yesterday...

The cabin confrontation started when a flight staffer scolded Baldwin for playing the addictive, Scrabble-like game on his iPad while the airplane was parked at the gate - when electronic devices are supposed to be off - a source familiar with the incident told the Daily News. The actor, 53, got up and demanded the flight attendant's name so he could file a complaint - and the conflict escalated, the source said.


After the news broke, the Zynga word game released a photo to TMZ that features the phrase "Let Alec Play." And the score on the game reads: A Baldwin 1, American Air 0.

Baldwin also tweeted out the photo to his nearly 600,000 followers, along with the hash tag #theresalwaysunited.

Of course, there are always two sides to every story...

Witnesses to the Baldwin scuffle offer another story: Baldwin was angry that a couple wanted to sit in first class and was annoyed by it, got up and slammed the lavatory door so hard the pilot asked what was going on.

Alec has been known to be a bit emotionally unstable at times, so I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Kinda like Malcolm.

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