Friday, May 30, 2014

Maleficent arrives

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I'm really looking forward to seeing this…I hope it makes a ton of money this weekend and doesn't suck.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

This Is Where I Leave You

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This new Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, and Jane Fonda movie looks like it could be worth seeing…

The movie opens September 12th.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou

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Very sad news today

A literary voice revered globally for her poetic command and her commitment to civil rights has fallen silent. 

Maya Angelou died at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on Wednesday, said her literary agent, Helen Brann. 

Angelou's legacy is twofold. She leaves behind a body of important artistic work that influenced several generations. But the 86-year-old was praised by those who knew her as a good person, a woman who pushed for justice and education and equality. 

In her full life, she wrote staggeringly beautiful poetry. She also wrote a cookbook and was nominated for a Tony. She delivered a poem at a presidential inauguration. In 2010, President Barack Obama named her a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country's highest civilian honor. 

She was friends with Malcolm X and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and inspired young adults and world celebrities.

She was an extraordinary woman and someone who inspired hope and gave strength to so many people over the years.

The quote in her image above is one that I've found to be surprisingly accurate and something I try to remember and live by each day of my life.

She will definitely be missed.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ugly Cry

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If you didn't get a chance to watch The Normal Heart on HBO Sunday night, definitely record it as it reruns throughout the next month.

I cried three times within the first 30 minutes.

The performances are all really good and, as difficult as it can be to watch at times, it's definitely a story that needs to be told and remembered by many, especially the younger audiences today who didn't live through that time period and didn't have to watch as many of their friends and loved ones were being taken away very suddenly and without warning.

Here is a nice featurette about the film...

Friday, May 23, 2014


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I'm very excited that X-Men: Days of Future Past opens today. It's already making good money and the reviews, overall, have been pretty good.

In honor of that, it's important to look at their "past" movies and enjoy all that was wrong in the X-Men trilogy by watching the always-entertaining Honest Trailer...

"Professor X…the Dumbledore of Xavier's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's basically ITT Tech for weirdos."


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sh@t Turd

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Jimmy Kimmel did another round of "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves" and, like the others, they are incredibly mean…but, hilarious.

Sophia Vergara's was my favorite and I almost laughed out loud at work when I heard it.

Not that I am condoning watching funny videos at work…my watching it was completely work-related.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Leg room

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OMG…you could build a fort or play Twister with all the space they had back then.

I want to go to there.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

La Bare

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Joe Manganiello's documentary, La Bare, released its first trailer to the internets today. After co-starring in Magic Mike, Manganiello decided to make his own film about the world of male strippers of La Bare Dallas, the most popular male strip club in the world. Here's the trailer…

It looks like a lower-budget Magic Mike, but without any of the famous people.

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It'll probably make millions…of one dollar bills.

The film opens June 27th.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I am Groot

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The latest full trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy was released today and it's the best one yet…

Much more action-focused than the last one. Plus, we finally get to see Glenn Close in this trailer.

She wasn't going to be ignored, Star-Lord.

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Jumpin' Jack

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The first full trailer for the upcoming CW show, The Flash, was released today...

Although it looks well-produced, I feel like I just watched the entire show.

I'll still probably check it out for a couple episodes (especially if each episode is only five minutes long).

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


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The first photo of Ben Affleck as Batman (with the new Batmobile) for the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie was tweeted today by Zach Snyder.

Well…he looks like a very sad Batman.

Probably because everyone was so mean to him when it was announced that he'd be playing the role.

His bank account will definitely turn that frown upside down when the movie opens.

You can see a much larger version of this image here.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Screamin' Demon

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The new NBC pilot, Constantine, got picked up for the fall schedule and the trailer looks pretty cool...

I really liked the movie version that was done with Keanu Reeves a few years back, so I hope that the series keeps a lot of the same look and tone.

Fingers crossed.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Monkey Business

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A new trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was released today…

It's looking pretty darn good, I must say (insert Ed Grimley dance here).

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fu#@k your juice, Shelby

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Jimmy Kimmel challenged Steel Magnolias co-stars, Julia Roberts and Sally Field, to his first "Celebrity Curse-Off" and, as you would expect…the result is very entertaining.

Me thinks Julia Roberts is much more comfortable with swearing than she pretended to be.

Props to Sally Field, the clear winner.

via: Towleroad

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


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A new poster for Angelina Jolie's Maleficent was released today and, even with giant horns, she's pretty stunning.

Can't wait to see this when it opens May 30th.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Veep hangs with the Veep

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Julia Louis-Dreyfus did this hilarious video, as her character Vice President Selina Meyer on Veep, for the White House Correspondents dinner over the weekend that features Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, and Nancy Pelosi.

It is HI-larous.

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The scene with Julia and Michelle around the ice cream and then the line "I don't really workout."slay me.

I. Love. Her.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Just to have a laugh

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I assumed this was a Photoshopped picture when I saw it on Facebook the other day. However, it turns out that Leonard Nimoy actually showed up on The Carol Burnett show during the first season dressed in his infamous costume for a sketch.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Justice League Movie

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Well, this is exciting news...

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Very smart to film them back-to-back.

It helps prevents the actors from getting fat before having to squeeze back into their tights for the next film a few months later.

Here's hoping they also include the Wonder Twins.

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Someone's bound to need a bucket of water at some point during the movie...