Monday, February 29, 2016

Til It Happens To You

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Definitely one of the highlights of the Academy Awards last night was Lady Gaga's performance of "Til It Happens To You", from the documentary "The Hunting Ground" about campus rape.

Although the song didn't end up winning the award, there's no doubt that the crowd was very moved by the performance and by all of survivors who joined her onstage while she was singing.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Purdy Mouth

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Jimmy Kimmel released a new Celebrities Reading Mean Tweets: Movie Edition this week and, like the others, they're hilarious...

Great way to start the weekend with a smile.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Elektra Woman

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The second part of the Season 2 Daredevil trailer was released today and it focuses heavily on the new Elektra character...

Looks exciting!

This show is awesome and I can't wait for the new season to start up in a couple weeks!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Making waves

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Uhhh...who knew there was a Baywatch movie being made with Dwayne Johnson and Zach Efron?

Not I.

See ya' when ya' show up on the Netflix!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Pray that it's a son

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Seth Myers shows why Melisandre (from Game of Thrones) probably isn't the best person to invite to your next baby shower...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Swishy Chug

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Ellen had Adele on her show this week to discuss what happened with the sound at the Grammys and to help her pull a prank on the studio Jamba Juice.

It's HI-larious.

I don't know how the celebs keep from cracking up the entire time. Ellen gets them to do and say some crazy stuff.

Here is the rest of the interview, including Adele singing "All I Ask", the song that went horribly wrong (because of sound issues) at the Grammys.

Here is the song:

Here is the rest of the interview:

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sia later

James Corden did another fun round of Carpool Karaoke, this time with the ever-elusive Sia...

I do enjoy many of Sia's songs (especially "Breathe Me" that was used in the Six Feet Under finale), but me also thinks that Sia is a very odd lady.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016


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The first full trailer for Pee-Wee's Big Holiday was released today...

It looks very much like his other two movies, which should be a good thing. However, I didn't see any of his usual partners-in-crime (Miss Yvonne, Cowboy Curtis, Chairy, etc) in the hopefully some of them will make a cameo at some point.

The movie premieres on Netflix on March 18th (same day as Daredevil).

Monday, February 15, 2016

One bad day away

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The first trailer for the second seasons of Netflix's Daredevil was released today...

It looks like they're gonna focus on the arrival of The Punisher (who will also get a spin-off series on Netflix soon) and Elektra this season.


Season 2 starts on March 18th.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Grace Under Fire

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Two new movie posters were released today and they are definitely, at least visually, going for two different vibes. The one for Allegiant: The Divergent Series is quite modern and visually futuristic, while the latest Batman v Superman has opted for a gritty, put-up-your-dukes vibe.

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I'm really hoping that the actual "fight" in Batman v Superman only takes up about a half hour, so that we get to focus on other characters and plots for the majority of the film.

Otherwise, I'm gonna be very displeased.

Nobody wants that.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


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A new trailer for The Huntsman: Winter's War was released today....

Honestly, I think this looks like it could be a LOT of fun to watch. It looks beautifully shot and, besides adding Emily Blunt, they managed to get Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron back.

I'm gonna be ALL over this movie when it opens on April 22nd.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Happy National Pizza Day

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One of my favorite holidays of the year and nobody celebrates it harder than Liz Lemon!

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Lobster

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A new trailer for The Lobster was released today...

It still looks really weird and kinda sad....and I still want to see it anyway.

The film opens on March 11th.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Ad Nauseum

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This Sunday is a big day for television...because there are lots of new celebrity-filled commercials coming out during something called "The Super Bowls". Evidently it's really a big deal and is watched by millions of people.

Who knew people loved commercials SO much?

Here are a few of the more entertaining ones that have previewed a bit early:

If you haven't gotten enough of Ryan Reynolds in all of those Deadpool ads...imagine if you lived in "Ryanville"...

I completely forgot that he used to be married to Scarlett Johansson.

Amy Schumer and Seth Rogan talk about their "Big Caucus" for Bud Light...

And finally, the winner of the "Most Abstract Actor To Portray Marilyn Monroe" award goes to Willem Defoe for Snickers...

Some things you just can't un-see.

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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Before My Time

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I heard a really beautiful song recently, "Before My Time", and quickly did some research and found out that it was from a documentary called Chasing Ice and, most surprising, the song was sung by actress Scarlett Johansson.

Hauntingly sad song and amazing visuals from the film.

Now I love the song AND want to see this documentary.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Super Fast

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Even though it was stated early on that Supergirl would NOT crossover with The Flash TV show, we all kinda knew it would anyway....

The Fastest Man Alive will meet the Girl of Steel on March 28, when the Flash will make an appearance on CBS’ Supergirl. 

According to the press release, The Flash’s Grant Gustin will only be guest-starring on Supergirl. There are no other details as of yet, including whether Melissa Benoist will return the favor on The CW’s show at a later date. 

This TV team-up has been rumored basically since Supergirl was announced, since it and The Flash share the same executive producers, Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg.

I'm in.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


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A new trailer for Gods of Egypt was released today...

I don't think there is enough cheese in ALL of Wisconsin to compete with the amount that will likely be spread during this over-the-top epic-wannabe.

That being said...I kinda want to see it anyway.

Hello Redbox.

Monday, February 1, 2016


If Adele and Mozart collaborated on her hit song "Hello", it would sound something like this....

It's actually quite beautiful.