Actress Elaine Carroll has been starring in and producing Olsen Twins episodes for a while now on her site "Very Mary Kate" and they're pretty funny. This one focuses on a late-night visit to her bodyguard's apartment.
"I pee'd in your elevator. Well, there was no toilet in it."...hilarious!
Here is a little info on Elaine from an interview she did recently...
Few people know the real Mary-Kate Olsen, but actress Elaine Carroll has given the Web the Mary-Kate the world dares to imagine. Carroll’s Mary-Kate has a “normal body temperature of 62,” wonders if heaven is like the Soho House and tweets such intimate secrets as: “my favorite color is clear, my favorite flavor is bland, my favorite food is invisible pie.”
Her version of Mary-Kate grew out of a screen test she did for “Saturday Night Live” two years ago. She loved impersonating the Olsen twins and wanted a way to keep doing them, so she started writing episodes. Each episode takes no longer than an hour to shoot, and Carroll edits them herself.
“You can kind of compare Mary-Kate to Eeyore in ‘Winnie the Pooh,’” Carroll said. “She doesn’t really know what’s going on, does not have it together, trying so desperately to become an independent woman but just does not understand the world in which she lives.”
If you want to see more episodes of "Very Mary Kate", you can watch them here.