Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year In Review


Well, with only a few hours remaining of 2012, I thought I'd post a few videos that look back over the past year and feature the best in...



News Bloopers



I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fight Club


Here is a pretty cool "How did they do that?" behind-the-scenes video on the making of the big fight scene at the end of Avengers.

Amazing what they can do these days....

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

In threes...


Some very sad news over the holidays...

You may not know his name, but anyone who watches movies and television knows the squat, tough-faced character actor Charles Durning, who died on Christmas Eve, according to his family. 

The 89-year-old decorated World War II veteran had an award-winning career that spanned 20th Century entertainment, from the burlesque stage and theater to television and film, playing roles as diverse as society itself. Durning was the gruff father smitten by Dustin Hoffman's female impersonation of "Tootsie," the Southern politician dancing on stage with George Clooney's Soggy Bottom Boys in "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" and the corrupt cop caught up in the "big con" by Paul Newman and Robert Redford in "The Sting." 

 He won Tony and Golden Globe awards and was nominated for Academy Awards two times as a supporting actor. He also received nine Emmy nominations and was honored in 2007 with a lifetime achievement award from the Screen Actors Guild.

He was always good in everything he did, but I really enjoyed him in Tootsie!

Also, another loss...


Jack Klugman, best known as messy sports writer Oscar Madison in TV's "The Odd Couple," died Monday at his California home, his son Adam said. He was 90. 

 Klugman, who won two Emmys for his role in the early 1970s sitcom, also starred in "Quincy, M.E." as medical examiner Dr. R. Quincy from 1976 to 1983. 

And one more...


Some of the coolest spaceships ever filmed came from Gerry Anderson, who died today after a long battle with Alzheimer's Disease. Anderson did more for space opera on television than almost any other single creator, launching space show after space show from the 1960s to the 1990s. 

But Anderson is probably best known in the United States for creating Space: 1999, a live-action show about the crew of a Moonbase who must survive after the Moon is thrown out of Earth's orbit. 

Space 1999 is still one of my all-time-favorite Sci-Fi shows.

They will all be missed.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Heat is on

Melissa McCarthy (she of Bridesmaids and Mike and Molly) has two movies coming out next year and, as always, she continues to be hilarious.

Here is the profanely-entertaining trailer for Heat, with Sandra Bullock...

And here is Identity Theft, with Jason Bateman...

These both look pretty funny, but I do hope that Melissa will also do some other fun comedies, one day, where she gets to play someone who appears to have taken a shower.

Regardless, she's still a very funny lady.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Scary Snowman Strikes Again

These are always funny, especially the girl who quickly takes a karate stance when he scares her....


If you want to see more episodes of Scary Snowman, click here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Although I enjoy jumping on a trampoline as much as the next guy, I don't think I'd have the nerve to do any of these tricky shenanigans....

Besides the usual " way" response most of us would have, I'd be afraid that I'd get so comfortable with it, that I might accidentally drop off of a parking structure after drinking and forget that there wasn't a trampoline down below to send me back up.


Also, someone posted this video on Facebook of Sandra Bullock confronting Chelsea Handler in the shower. It's pretty hilarious (if you want to see a larger version, click here).

They are both very funny gals!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Star Trek Into Darkness Full trailer


Here is the full Star Trek Into Darkness trailer that was released in the theaters this weekend with many showings of The Hobbit (not mine, unfortunately. Devil!).








I really hope the movie is as good as it looks in this trailer. I loved the last one.


Friday, December 14, 2012

The journey begins...


Well, it's finally here. The first of the three Hobbit movies opens today. I am planning to see it on Sunday.

Peter Jackson posted a really fun new video blog today that covers final production on the movie and some of the hijinx at the World Premiere in New Zealand.

Also, here is a great behind-the-scenes video on the making of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and all the prep that has gone into it over the past year and leading up to the premiere.

I'm so excited, I must say!

Ed Grimley

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pacific Rim


The first trailer for the big-budget-Giant Aliens-vs-Giant Robots film, Pacific Rim, was released yesterday and, so far, it looks like it could be pretty cool.

Alien face-punching is entertaining.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Man of Steel Trailer #2


Here is the new trailer for Man of Steel, which will run with the Hobbit this weekend.

So far, it's looking pretty cool.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Behind the Abbey


CBS News did a nice behind-the-scenes story on Downton Abbey over the weekend that I thought I would share...

Season 3 of Downton Abbey starts here in the States on Masterpiece Classics January 6th.

Can't wait!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Son of Thranduil


Here is the first look at Orlando Bloom in the upcoming Hobbit trilogy (he shows up in the third film, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug).

One more week until the first movie opens!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

First Star Trek teaser trailer


This first trailer for the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness movie looks like it might just be all kinds of AWESOME!!

Can't wait to see the longer trailer next week when it shows with the Hobbit movie!!









May seems so far away right now...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Top Pop

Here is a cool mashup of 2012's Top 50 Pop Songs....

It's amazing to me how folks put these things together and make them sound like one big song.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

End of Days


When I heard of Killer Karoake, I knew instantly that it was something that I would never watch. It contains several signs of the apocalypse:

  • It's hosted by Steve O from Jackass.
  • It's Karaoke.
  • It's Karaoke while being tortured by snakes/spiders and a variety of other nightmare-inducing creatures.

It's kind of like my idea of Hell on Earth.

Of course, my evil friend Jessie sent me a clip of one of the contestants freaking out while trying to sing and reach into various boxes of live snakes and her reaction is much like mine would be...

It's pretty hilarious.

Make it stop.

Monday, December 3, 2012

New posters


Very Batman-y.

The first full Star Trek Into Darkness trailer comes out next week...exciting!

Also, I am really looking forward to the Man of Steel movie opening in June.


Maybe if Supes wasn't in handcuffs, he could have stopped the guy in the Star Trek poster from doing what he did.

Priorities, people!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Working it


I'm heading out of town for our annual work-trip, this year, to Disneyland for the weekend.

I enjoy my job.

Have a SUPER weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012



This foreign prank show really took a chance with the possibility that unknowing participants might have a heart attack.

The producers let regular elevator patrons believe that the elevator they were in was breaking down and, when the lights go out, a freakish girl clutching a creepy doll suddenly appears in the elevator with them when the lights come back on.

Of course, it's very funny when it's not happening to you.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hobbit Video Blog 9


Peter Jackson has released a new video blog that covers the final production stages of getting the Hobbit movie ready for release next month.

Just like the others, it's very entertaining and informative.

Embiggen the video screen below to enjoy the full visual experience.

Only a couple more weeks until the first part is released in theaters.
