Monday, February 25, 2013

Gold Fingaaaaah!

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Miss Shirley Bassey rocked the Oscars last night with her did Adelewho also won an Oscar for her song Skyfall.

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Atta girl!

I also enjoyed the parody song "We Saw Your Boobs" from the opening of the show. I thought Seth MacFarlane did a fine job hosting and really don't think he is deserving of all of the bad press about it.

Guess haters gotta hate...

If you want a peek at how the backstage interviews go, check out this one with Jennifer Lawrence, where some idiot reporters ask her some very stupid questions, including about how she felt when she fell. Her reactions and responses are hilariously honest and entertaining!

Also for his special post-Oscar show, Jimmy Kimmel created a "sequel" to his unmade film Movie: The Movie, called Movie: The Movie 2V. It's pretty funny and has a lot of stars in it.  The best part, besides "Release the TATUM!", is Matt Damon's green-screen bit with the "sandwich".

Here is the first one, from last year...

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