The world premiere screening of the new Star Trek movie was "officially" last night in Sydney, Australia at the famous Opera House.
However, there was a surprise in Austin, Texas yesterday at the Fantastic Fest Star Trek convention going on there. Fans were told that there would be a special 10 minute screening of footage from the new Star Trek movie after their showing of the original "Star Trek: Wrath of Kahn" viewing. However, that all changed....

Two minutes in to the showing of TWOK, the film appeared to have ‘melted’ and the guys came back out on the stage and appeared to be stalling for time while the film was fixed…and then, wearing a ball cap, Leonard Nimoy came out in front of the audience holding a film can.
Nimoy noted to the crowd that it just didn’t seem fair that people in Australia were the first to see the film and asked them "wouldn’t you rather see the new movie?" And apparently the crowd went wild. After that they showed the entire new Star Trek movie.
So, it looks like fans in Austin got to see the world premiere a little earlier and with the original Mr. Spock.
Lucky bastards!

Meanwhile, back in Sydney, the premiere event seemed to go off without a hitch. JJ Abrams (director), Zarchary Qunto (Spock), Chris Pine (Kirk), Eric Bana (Nero), John Cho (Sulu), and Karl Urban (McCoy) were all in attendance.

From what I've read so far (and I'm trying to avoid reading any spoilers), the feedback has been very positive, which is nice to hear.
I'm sure, like all blockbusters, there will be reviewers out there who already hate the movie before even seeing it. It's par for the course in the entertainment world. The hardest part for me will be to avoid reading the reviews (good or bad) as they start hitting the internet today.
I want to be able to go into the film and be surprised.

So, I'm still going to be there opening night and no ass-hat with a Debby-Downer review is gonna stop me!
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