Thursday, August 15, 2013

Out in the ring

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WWE wrestler, Darren Young, casually came out today at an airport while talking to a TMZ reporter who asked him if he thought a WWE wrestler could be gay and happy...

“Absolutely. Look at me. I’m a WWE Superstar and to be honest with you, I’ll tell you right now I’m gay and I’m happy. Very happy.” 

Here is the complete interview...

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John Cena, one of WWE's most popular wrestlers had this to say about it...

"Good for him. That's fantastic. I know Darren personally. Darren's a great guy. That's a very bold move for him. And congratulations for him for actually finally doing it. It's all about being professional, and Darren Young is a consummate professional. For us, it's entertainment, and if you're entertaining you shouldn't be judged by race, creed, color or sexuality ... as long as you're entertaining."

John makes a very good point.

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I mean, I find he, Darren, and Randy Orton (above) all VERY...entertaining.

So, no judgement here.

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