Friday, March 13, 2009

Run like a jackrabbit

Time goes by quickly...

It's hard to believe that, a year ago today, I was sitting alone in my hotel room in Melbourne, Australia writing about the death of Frank (a man I took care of until the day I left for Australia). It was a very sad day and, all this time later, I still find it a bit strange that he's not here.

The funeral was held while I was gone, so I guess I never had any real closure (like a service or burial) with the whole experience. He was here when I left and not here when I got back.

Caring for him in his final years had become such a big part of my everyday life that, the absence of that connection, was a bit jarring upon my return.

But, I do think of him often and know that he is now free of the pain and discomfort that throttled him mercilessly in that final year.

For that, I am thankful.

Be kind and loving to those closest to you while they are here.

Because, as a famous fashionista once said...

"One day you're in...the next day you're out."


Brad said...

I missed this post last year. I'm glad you re-ran it. I love you more today then ever. (In a bloggy kinda way) We cheat ourselves by not taking the time to just be with people. Your are a good boy.

Vampire Hours said...

Awww...thanks, Brad. I do have my moments, as we all do.