I'm not sure how other cruises work, but this particular ship had at least one or two dances each day, either on the upper deck at night or in one of the lower clubs and, of course, they were all themed. Some people must have received this agenda early, because many had a different creative (and often tiny) outfit for each event.
For instance, there was the "Military-Dog Tag" theme...

Even Starfleet was represented...

I wondered how Bob Barker had been spending his time after he stopped hosting the "Price is Right"...

There was also an "Ever After-Fantasy-Alice In Wonderland-esque" theme...

And, of course, no shortage of "70's-Disco-Tropical" themed gatherings on deck that kept me wondering how many suitcases some people brought onboard just for costumes...

Danny DeVito in the house...or is that Rhea Perlman?

My friend Roland and I threw together what we could to keep up with the kids...

But, we really couldn't begin to compete with most of them. They were obviously professionals.

Lola Falana stopped by...

Dames Edna and Judy Dench mixed and mingled...

Cheech and Chong...

With Gilligan....the Skipper too...

The Millionare....

And his Wife (wives)...

The Movie Star. The Professor...

and MaryAnn...

Here...on Gilligan's Isle!

We even watched a performance by some "nuns" that was suddenly interrupted by "Lady Gaga" (there were a couple of "Gaga-esque" folks on the cruise and no shortage of "Bad Romance" being played, which I enjoyed)...

Basically, any reason to get the kids up on the deck to drink and dance in a festive environment seemed to work for everyone...no matter what you were or weren't wearing.

We did have our second stop in Grand Cayman on Thursday. However, when I saw it from the balcony...it looked like a beachside industrial plant full of construction and smelled like dirty socks. So, after verifying my hunch with some folks already returning from that "paradise", I decided to stay on the ship that day and hang by the pool instead.
The Grand Cayman stop also turned out to be even more unfortunate because one of the guys on the cruise was found dead in his cabin that afternoon.
We were not given a lot of details, but when a 37 year old man suddenly dies on a ship full of late night parties and people who are obviously taking more than prescription medications...well, one does get suspicious. A similar thing happened to a guy I used to work with last year on another cruise with Atlantis, which was very sad.
Just say no, kids.
Tomorrow...we stop in Cozumel, Mexico (which was lovely and didn't smell like feet) and I take a very long bus ride to see the Mayan Ruins at Chitchen Itza.
I wonder if they have a girl from Chitchen Itza who goes walking?
Glad to see you were able to keep your sense of propreity. However I have my suspicions about the shirtless lad with the beer.
LOL...which one? =)
Let's set the scene, shall we?
It's 5am. Sissy can't sleep, so she gets up to read the news. She reads about that cheating bastard John Edwards, and his sex tape (and rumored massive "unit"). She is pissed off by said reading, so she goes over to Vampire Hours where she is tickled pink at the hilarity.
She scrolls down...and there's THAT MAN! The one in the blue speedo and tank top!!! There is something more than vaguely icky about that picture. Kind of like someone brought their grandpa and thought it would be funny to dress him up and let him have an Alzheimer's induced free for all!
Sissy must now go bleach her brain...but Lola was lookin' good!
My...you did have quite a morning. Bob Barker certainly has something going on, hence my photo of him. Hopefully the brain-bleaching helped clear away that image...I should try that.
OMG...the word verification for this entry was "unfart". Hee Hee
I will pass your regards along to Ms. Falana.
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