Tuesday, June 25, 2013


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Yes...those are the Wonder Twins, Zan and Janya, action figures that arrived today at my house.

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I had no idea that any were ever made, but came across an article this week about a limited edition set from DC that were only available for the kids who went to Comic-Con in 2009. So, naturally...I had to find a set.

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Unfortunately, their odd sidekick, Gleek, was not part of this set. He was sold separately that day, so I'll eventually track him down.

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They come in a cool box and, when you bring the two figures together in the box...you hear them say "Wonder Twin Powers, activate!" and such. Here is a video someone did to demonstrate that...

"Let's save those kids!"

I've often wished there was there was an eagle carrying a bucket of water nearby to "save" (ie: drop on) some rowdy kids...usually when I'm at the grocery store or in a movie theater.

If only....

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