
Our last couple of days in Asheville went very quickly, but were a lot of fun. If you ever get to Asheville, you definitely need to stop by the Grove Park Inn. It is a beautiful hotel and spa that has been there since the early 1900's.

The hotel was created by E.W. Grove, a man who made his millions promoting "Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic", something that claimed to ward off the effects of Malaria.

I don't know if that print ad would fly in California (with its focus on being slim and slimmer), but it obviously worked enough for E.W. to build this amazing resort.

Although we didn't get a chance to enjoy the wonderful spa facilities, we did take the time to enjoy the decor and interesting areas of the hotel. We even rode in the elevator that is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for being built inside a huge fireplace.

It's very Harry Potter-esque.
We also found out that, besides Malaria cures, Mr. Grove also peddled a very popular elixir to help with "Piles" (now people just use Preparation H). Judging by the testimonials, it appeared to give many people a great deal of relief.

PAZO really must have been a Godsend...especially for some of those people who were suffering with it for almost 30 years.
We also noticed that, besides many presidents and world leaders, our new airport friend, Richard Simmons, is featured as a treasured visitor.

I bet he could make millions selling PAZO to his "Sweatin' With the Oldies" followers. The collective sigh of relief in his workout rooms would likely be overwhelming.
After leaving the Inn (where Barack Obama would arrive two days later for a stay before his next debate), we took a drive into downtown Asheville. We stopped and got a refreshing beverage and walked around this vibrant little city.

There was also a great wig store that featured several popular looks of today (well, for some people)...

I can't wait to wear my new dreads to the market in LA!
After stopping by the lovely home of their other friend named Maggie (who also moved with her husband from Venice, CA less than a year before Cindy and Gaby did), we headed home, ate, slept, woke up, showered, packed, ate some more, sat, chatted, sat, ate a bit more, then took a quick photo with everyone in front of Cindy and Gaby's lovely home...

Oscar and Maggie headed back to LA and I headed to Ohio, to see my family for the week.

Be it ever so humble....
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