One of the bonuses that went along with seeing "Watchmen" this past weekend (which was really good, although I could have done without a couple of the protruding bones scenes) was that many people got to see the latest "Star Trek" movie trailer.
They're not messing around with these trailers.
I think what I like most is that, although this trailer is longer and includes a bit more character info (especially on Kirk), I don't feel like I've seen the whole movie...which is a good thing.

The film looks epic in scope, the effects look top-notch, and the music (at least for the trailer) is very cool/ominous.
Plus, all that aside...it just looks like an exciting hold-on-to-your-garters Sci-Fi action movie for the summer.

In keeping with my inner-geek history, I just purchased tickets to see the midnight showing of the movie for the Thursday night/Friday morning 12:01 show on May 8th at the Arclight Cinerama Dome (the largest screen, besides IMAX, in Los Angeles).
You can't beat the excitement and energy of a crowd crazy enough to see a movie that late on a school night.
If you haven't see the new trailer yet...here ya' go:
I'm SO there.
I totally have to find someone to go with me. I mean i can't really go and buy one ticket for star trek at the theater lol. This looks like an amazing movie. Also, I don't recall the original kirk or spock ever being so hot. Just saying.
I'm sure you could buy a single ticket to the movie and still have a great time. Everyone there is going to be so into seeing the movie that you'd likely have a great time and make friends with the people around you.
And, yes, the new Kirk and Spock do seem a bit more Abercrombie-friendly than we're used to.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
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