Monday, January 5, 2009

Love Bites

Now that's a Happy Meal!

This guy posted pictures of some of the lunches that his girlfriend makes for him each day. I think it's sweet that she cares for him enough to go to the extra trouble of, not only making his lunch, but creating something that will also bring a smile to his busy work day.

She has her own blog and, on it, shows people how to create similar food-fun. She's obviously very talented and has found a way to incorporate her art background with her love for food.

I can't even keep the pickles corralled on my chicken salad sandwich between bites.

I have a lot of personal problems...


Sissy said...

Honestly Ethel! This chick just makes it hard on the rest of us! Does this mean that when I finally meet Mr. Right, I'm going to have to make food sculptures?! Well hell. This kind of thing virtually ensures that I'll be the spinster "cat lady"! I have no artistic skillz!

Curse you lunch lady....curse you!

Vampire Hours said...

Well, I'd say that, if there is cat hair in his food...that's artistic. In its own way....