Monday, March 22, 2010

Healthy Choice

I'm really glad that the Health Care Bill passed yesterday.
Let's hope that this survives all the craziness that is being planned to delay or defeat it by the ass-hats over the coming week.
All available body parts are crossed.


Brad said...

I'm counting on the administration to have anticipated most of the othersides delaying/derailing tactics. I hope I'm not disappointed. Watching the republican's lies has been breath taking. Amazing how low they will stoop.

Vampire Hours said...

I agree with you. The amount of venom and misinformation that is being tossed about in the media is very disturbing.

As Tim Gunn would say "That concerns me."

Anonymous said...

It's sad that this billed passed and we will see the devastating effect it has. I am truly disappointed with the government. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are somewhere smiling.

Vampire Hours said...

I know that everyone isn't happy about this bill passing, but I am hopeful that, once all the media and political hoopla is said and done and some time has gone by...we will actually see that it was a good thing and that many people (including myself) have been helped.

People were just as skeptical and afraid of "government take-over" when the Medicare bill passed and, over time, that has turned out to be a necessary and extremely beneficial program for millions of people.

Time will tell and I choose to remain hopeful.

Brad said...

I find it intersting that someone who alludes to the administration or this bill as being socialist or communist does so anonymously. If you really feel you have a point to make why not stand up and own it?

Anonymous said...

our payroll taxes went up 20% in january, equal to the amount we pay for employee health benefits, so we will probably drop coverage and become wards of the state, not sure what you call that, but that is what we have to do