Seth Macfarlane, creator of TV's Family Guy, is a very big fan of Star Wars and Star Trek. So, when the late Gene Roddenberry was inducted into the Television Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame recently...Seth was invited to do a tribut to Mr. Roddenberry.
His speech is great.
What's odd is Amy Poehler's awkardly stiff and seemingly unrehearsed introduction of the whole segment...
I love Amy and she is usually hilarious and comfortable whenever she speaks. Not so much on this day.
They should have let Stewie do Seth's intro...that would have been a hoot.
If you missed the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode of Family Guy, you can watch some very funny highlights here:
Amy Poehler looks pissed off...wonder what that's about?
And Seth McFarlane? Genius...and HAWT!
I know...she normally is so perky and upbeat (and funny). Everyone has an off-day...perhaps that was hers.
Or maybe she was just drunk.
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