Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sneaky Gays

Check out this hilarious new promo for "Glee"...

Jane Lynch slays me!


Sissy said...

oh how i love the mighty and majestic sue mother-effin' sylvester!

Vampire Hours said...

You are preachin' to the choir, sista'!

Anonymous said...

"Out-STAND-ing!" I just can't wait for the new season of GLEE! THERE - is THAT gay enough for you, Sue?! Hee hee heeeeeeeeee!

Boston Mark said...

"Swish it up, Gays!" - too friggin' funny!
Can't believe you haven't been watching this show since Day One - now THAT is a SNEAKY GAY...not watching this fantastically campy show complete with spontaneous musical outbursts (if only we did that in real life, I'd be ecstatic!)