Seems that they are building a moving skyscraper in Dubai. I think the "idea" of a spinning building is cool, but not sure that I'd enjoy living in one.
They'll probably have to put dramamine in the water.
Drunks might also have trouble living in a room that is already spinning before they start drinking.
Guess I'll have to stick to renting non-moving apartments....
I read that this is the architects first project. I wonder if he can pull it off? I guess I'll wait before putting down my deposit. If I remember correctly the condos are going for something like $1200 per square or something obscene like that.
Yeah...I actually have a job interview in Dubai (they're flying me there for 5 days on July 17th) and the average one bedroom apartment is $3,000/month (rent is to be paid for one full year at time of renting). So, we'll see how that goes....
Sounds like an adventure - how is their record on human rights and the gays I wonder?
Their record isn't very good at all and, since homosexuality is considered illegal there, it would definitely be a vast change from what we're used to here in the states and many other places. I'm looking forward to judging for myself when I'm there and then making my decision afterwards.
Hope you blog about it - would be intersting to get your perspective
Oh, I'll definitely be blogging about it. The computer is coming with me for sure!
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