Our last day in Houston was spent searching for sights that featured air-conditioning, so we ended up at the Houston Aquarium. Now, I'm not a big fan of things that swim in the ocean, hence my resistance to scuba diving, eating seafood (unless it's deep fried enough to let me imagine it's anything else) and such. I'd be just as uncomfortable having sea creatures roaming the aisles at my local Ralphs (Is that Lance Bass?), so I try to avoid floating around their natural habitats too.
However, I'm fine visiting places where I can view what is out there, without me actually having to brush up against them.
Yes, I have fishues.
After spending a good deal of time roaming the halls of the aquarium, here are some great examples of creatures that keep me land-locked...

I prefer Smuckers jelly, instead of jelly fish.

One doesn't encounter these kinds of creatures in a public swimming pool, which is fine by me.

Piranhas anyone? No thanks...I don't care if they are gold-plated.

The Wayland Flowers fish, although pretty, is not something I'd like to encounter while snorkeling or re-enacting scenes from "The Blue Lagoon".

The Ed Sullivan fish must have been feeling blue on this particular day.

This Lidsville fish is also nice, but better off in the ocean and not fluttering by my little piggies.

Surprisingly, this aquarium also had four white tigers on display. I didn't realize that they spent any time in the water, but they are beautiful to look at behind VERY thick plexiglass.

Nice kitty.

They also had a ginormous boa constrictor on display...sweet dreams.
I didn't get a picture of the Bird-eating Tarantula for two reasons....one, its habitat was all fogged up, so difficult to get a good shot. Two...I couldn't stop twitching from the idea that this big, hairy spider can actually eat a bird...so, buh-bye birdy!

They also had this Boo Berry Shark floating over us during the "Shark Experience" (which wasn't much of an experience after all). It has a face that looks like the Ghost of Fishmas Past.

After leaving the aquarium, we just wandered the city a bit more before heading back to the apartment to nap.
Houston is a nice, clean city with a variety of unusual odors floating around (we must have missed the giant litter box art sculpture that I am sure was there somewhere). It's way too hot and muggy for me to consider ever living there.
But, it might be worth a trip back in the fall sometime...
Or not.
"Wayland Flowers fish..."
Thanks so much for that a.m. belly-laugh!
Everybody needs one of those to start each day. I think the Madame fish was on holiday.
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