Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Drinking warning

According to Dan Savage and Towleroad, 11 gay bars in Seattle got this letter...

Although this particular threat is directed at gay bars specifically, it's a reminder to everyone that you should always keep an eye on your drinks when you're out in public places, especially in crowded bars and dance clubs.

There are a lot of ass-hats out there in the world just waiting to get their 15 minutes of fame by doing something awful to innocent people just to get their name in the news.

Be careful out there people...


Brad said...


Oddly some of the bars on the list are really obscure hole-in-the walls - not ones you would think would be well known by the community at large. Something in my fiber is telling me this sick f*ck is somehow part of the community. Scary.

Really not good for a group of business already impacted by the economy.

Brad said...

I meant that I think the person is part of the gay community

Vampire Hours said...

Yeah, that's what other people are thinking too (according to some of the other blogs I've been reading). It's a shame that there are so many twisted people out there who can't seem to find a rational way (therapy/medications, etc) to deal with their issues. It is scary and it shouldn't have to be that way.

Sissy said...
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