Today was my last full day in Wellington, so I decided to take a trip out to their little zoo. I thought I should at least attempt to see a Kangaroo while I'm over on this side of the world. Although, according to one person, if I had just stayed outside of Sydney a bit, they'd likely have been hopping around in the wild for me to see in their natural habitat. I told them that "outside of Sydney" also has all of the poisionous snakes and spiders...so a zoo works just fine for me at this point.

The zoo was fine, but seemed a bit...sad. So many of the animals are in smaller cages or high fenced-in areas. Many of the them seemed bored and, although I got a lot more shots of animals (including a few sad-looking kangaroos) through cages, I just didn't feel like posting them.
Between the overcast day and witnessing a large monkey swing wildly from a rope, release....and slam headfirst into a metal shed (insert image of cartoon birds twirling around his stunned furry cranium), I didn't feel like hanging out much longer, so I headed back to the hotel.
I realize that the animals can't all just run amok (I've seen "Jurassic Park"), but if they've got to be penned up, it's nicer to see a larger venue or reserve where they have more space to roam and exist, with less chance of having some stupid teenagers throwing sticks at them to get their attention (That happened while I was looking at the lions. It took all of my willpower not to "accidently" throw the older two teen boys over into the cage with the very animals that they were trying to "rustle up").
I hear there is a much nicer zoo in Auckland, so I may try to see that while I'm there.
The rest of the day was spent walking around the city one last time, then over to Scotty and Mal's bar tonight for a couple drinks and goodbyes. Although it kept threatening to rain throughout the day, it was still nice to take one last stroll before flying off to Auckland tomorrow morning.
Along the way, I found some fun signs that I thought you might enjoy....

It didn't really entice me to come in for a snack...

I wonder if employees are ever allowed to wear skirts....

I thought I smelled gin and regret....

I'd like to buy an "i", Alex.

Well....Mr. You're Welcome!

Thankfully those haven't hit the states....yet.
That shirt says "ass"...
(Insert Beevis and Butthead laugh here)
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