


..."Island Night" last night!

Obviously this man enjoyed it a bit more than the rest of us. He was hammered before he even got to the bar. Andrew: I got this outfit for you. I hope I chose the right size coconuts...

Last night was a group trip to a local bar for a night of cultural music and dancing. I am all for a little culture, now and then. I was a wee bit worried when we first got there, because there was the island version of a lounge singer favoring us with "Sweet Home Alabama" in all of its slow werlitzer-enhanced glory. Thankfully, the featured band ushered him off the stage and brought on the real show.
Since I showcased the girls in skirts yesterday, I figured it was only fair to give the boys their due. I'm not sure quite how the gals and guys learned to let the rhythm get them like it does...but it's pretty amazing to watch. Plus, kudos to the costume designers! It shows you don't need a big budget to keep your viewers focused on the task at hand...

A fun time was had by all, followed by a Celine Dion enhanced van-ride back to the hostel, where several of us stayed up until 5:00 am just chatting.
Of course, I had already booked another other island-themed "4X4 Island Tour", picking me up at 8:30 in the morning. And, as things always go with me...I went to bed at 5:00 am and woke up, wide awake, at 7:00 am.

The large four-wheel drive vehicle took a group of us all around the island, up very steep hills to fantastic views from each side of the island. There was lots of information about the various flora and fauna throughout the island, so that's always enjoyable.

It really was the best way to see the interior of the island, without having to hike three hours up a hill each day. I prefer the ride, stop, take pictures, get back in the truck, move on tour much better. They also cooked chicken and pork in a ground oven, wrapped in banana leaves and all that native stuff. It was pretty good, although I passed on the raw tuna/veggie salad they made.
I have fish-ssues, ya' know.
The driver returned us to our hotels/hostel and even let me go get my computer, then brought me back to the magic beach bar spot that I've probably become the "Norm!" of this week. Rotum showed up here a few minutes ago and said a few others are likely on their way soon...so, I have a feeling I may not nap today.

Then again...anything is possible.
I can't believe tomorrow is my last day here.
I want more....culture.
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