Sweet Jesus and the orphans!
My friend Greg, from Ohio, sent me a couple pictures of this World Record sized Piranha. After recovering from the series of shivers it sent down my spine (and the likely filing in the "Nightmares" folder of my subconscious), I thought I'd share it with all of you too. See, it's pictures like this that keep me from exploring more exotic places in the world, like the Amazon (I prefer Amazon.com...no creatures), any desert region (Scorpions, tarantulas, and the like) and vast bodies of water (sharks, jellyfish, the ghost of Shelley Winters from "The Poseidon Adventure").
That's right...fear, plain and simple.
I don't want to be in any place where these kinds of deadly creatures live. I already live in Los Angeles with the gangs, shootings, stabbings, road rage and people who let their children run amok in the grocery store...I don't need to experience other deadly creatures in their natural habitats.
They don't come into my home, I try to avoid theirs.
It's pathetic on some levels, because I'm sure there are many wonderful places in the world that are much more than the evil that lurks within (Washington DC, for example) and around them. I'm not saying I won't visit them some day...it's just that those kinds of places move quickly down the list of possibilities.

I prefer visiting places that are serene and relaxing...with nice scenery and architecture, things to do and friendly people around to chat with (like Laguna Beach, pictured above). Places like that bring me peace...wrestling alligators, not so much.
It may make me wussy to use fear as a reason for avoiding things and places in life, but I'm totally okay with it. You go ahead and volunteer to swim with sharks or allow someone to let a hissing tarantula crawl on your arm in the name of adventure.
Have at it!
I'll be here...waiting to post photos of your remaining body parts for others to enjoy from the comfort of their home.

I also wanted to say how cool it's been to get emails and comments from people who I've never met, but have been following with my travels the past couple of months. I'm always curious to find out how people heard of the blog and flattered that, after finding it, actually continued reading.
I met someone in Auckland who, after we were chatting for a few minutes said "Hey, did you write a blog from the "Pink Flight" from San Francisco?". I told him I did and asked him where he heard about it. He said that Gaynz.co site had posted a link to my site as I was blogging from the airport. I had no idea. Then, yesterday, I got an email from Terry, in Sydney, who commented about the blog and said he heard about it in February on Beauty and the Bum (a blog with many fine photos of modely-guys). They even used several of my pics from my postings (which is fine with me...they linked back). I also heard from Jane in San Diego and Brad in Washington...just nice folks who let me know that they were out there and had enjoyed following along.
Is anyone else out there? If so, feel free to comment here on the blog or email me (in my profile area) and let me know how you found the blog and where you live.
I'm just curious that way and would really enjoy hearing from you.
Now I'm going to attempt to dive into the many fine shows on my DVR that recorded (thankfully) while I was gone.
Good times.
I found a link to your blog from joe.my.god. I have been following your entire trip actually. I am from mexia, TX. Small town and yes it's the same place anna nicole smith is from. Not exactly our shining claim to fame. haha
Hey there, Texas. I think Joe was the one who initially linked to my blog and others picked it up. He has such a great site...I read it daily. So nice to hear from you and glad you were able to follow along! Tell the ghost of Anna Nicole I said hello....
I was thinking I found you via Rosie blog but after seeing dpoe comment it must have been Joe.My.God
One wuss to another. All the terrors you listed above is why I live in nice, safe Seattle. No creepy crawlies here, or deadly bugs or snakes.
I'm with you Brad...I'm fine letting people keep their bugs and snakes. None for me thanks...
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