It has almost rained, non-stop, since I got here. This morning, it actually stopped for about 5 minutes...then started right back up again. Luckily, in that short "dry spell", I was able to move my stuff from the nice beachfront apartment on stilts, to one of the lower beach huts (just behind).

Although I enjoyed being higher off the ground in the last place (mentally thinking that any bugs might be too tired to climb up the posts to my room), this room is almost as nice and about $40 less a night...so, that is fine with me.

It actually sleeps 3 (there is another single bed off camera to the left, it is where my luggage sleeps) and has its own bathroom/shower with solar heated water...so not too shabby. I certainly couldn't get my own room/bathroom right on the beach for $65 anywhere else on the island...so, I'm pleased about that.

With all the rain here on the island, it makes going out at night kind of...pointless. There is only one bus that runs around the island at night...once an hour. So, you'd have to stand in the rain for a while and pray for it to come around before you're soaked to the skin (which is always nice when you're out socializing). Notice the bus schedule above...one bus goes "clockwise" each hour and the other goes "anti-clockwise" each hour (but only until 4:30...and I'm closer to the "anti" side of town). At least the Anti-Christ doesn't drive that bus...our driver looked more like Anti-
Em, so it's much more relaxing.

So, I decided to stay in my room, listen to music, the rain and ocean, and read a book that I borrowed from the hostel office. A real book (no pictures inside at all). Well...it's more of a comedy about a woman trying to find a husband in a year, but it's considered a book by most standards. I also cannot begin to express how wonderful it's been to have my iPod (thank you Andrew!) and the portable music docking station/speakers (thank you Joel!) with me. Joel loaded up my iPod with about 3 gazillion great songs before I left and I've listned to it almost every night/day since I started traveling. It really makes a difference when you're hanging out in your room.

So, I went into town again today and walked around with my umbrella. Yeah, I know..."tourist", but a much dryer tourist than most people wandering the streets today. I've noticed that there are mini-cemetaries on almost every property here. I'm going to check and see if it's a custom to bury family on their land. I think it is...but you see them everywhere.

I also went to see the local "museum and library", but it was closed. It's actually, more of a library/used book store and one room of a few old things (and I'm not just talking about the ladies working there). I peered through the gate into the "museum" room...didn't see any creepy dolls, so decided not to wait two hours for the "reopening". I saved three dollars and, if you look at the picture of the painting outside of the museum, the kid is a little creepy. So...no need for me to go back there.
It started to POUR rain and, since I'm also carrying my backpack with my computer, I decided to find one of those ever-fashionable plastic rain ponchos. It took me a few minutes to find a store that had them....

Thanfully, Tuki wasn't lying...she had the poncho I needed...and more! I could have purchased a cordless baby monitor, a DVD player, individual panties from a bucket...the list goes on and on. So, I got my poncho and three pairs of panties and headed off to eat, before coming to the local Telecom office to write this blog. FYI- They are the only internet company on the island and, because of that, they charge almost $180/month for internet to the locals. Can you believe that? No wonder everyone just sticks with dialup here.

So, I went back to Cafe Salsa, had a nice sandwich, a beer and some great keylime pie (always time for keylime pie).
Now, I've gotta finish this up and get to the bus stop before the "anti-clockwise" bus heads out.
Going clockwise just isn't my style...
They recently had the whole country carpeted... this is NOT a big place.
Joel! How delightful to hear from you! I anxiously await your next syllable with great eagerness. Good luck in prison...
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